Willows Nursery Walgrave Northampton NN6 9QA

01536 791371


 Contact us :

01536 791371

Our other websites -

Living Willow

Hardy Cyclamen

Dwarf Box

Segway Sessions

Willow Weaving



Segway Sessions at Willows Nursery
for individuals, families, groups and parties !



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Feel the wind in your face as you ‘glide’ on a virtually silent Segway, around our 18 acre nursery site and gardens in the Northamptonshire countryside (only a small part of which is used for shade tunnel growing areas for the Hardy Cyclamen and Dwarf Box plants), with the planted
out stock plants and the willow plantations adding to the enjoyment.

Please visit our Segway website for full details about our sessions.



[The Red Bus] [Facilities] [Segways] [Willow Weaving] [About us]